Test Now and Go: Developing a B2C Brand in 60 Days



Client: Recovery Centers of America / GENETWORx
Project Timeline: February 2021 - Present

Services Provided: Brand Name, Brand Experience + Promotional Digital Communications, Website Design / Development, Testing Site Signage

The Challenge

To come up with an engaging brand name that would clearly define the offering and promote and encourage the service’s use by residents of the testing site’s regional market area. Subsequently, to carry the brand through the development of a marketing website – that seamlessly connected to the already-established, sophisticated web app for appointment scheduling and receipt of test results – as well as development and deployment of convincing design and content for all digital marketing assets on social media platforms.

The Process

First up, conveying the client’s integrity in the testing arena into a simple, easily understood, and available domain name that would best describe ease of use, avoiding overtly medical association with the service itself. Once the basic identity was established, web design development and implementation, on-site signage design and purchase, content development and social media deployment as well as collaterals design and printing flowed efficiently and effectively.

The name was carefully selected, broadly embraced and successfully approved after a thorough review of possibilities that were vetted to find all available domain names.

Test Now and Go actually represents the best possible identity because it clearly, simply reflects the specifics of what, when, and why our offering meets the needs of the consumer.

What:  One of two COVID-19 tests are offered – the name clearly indicates that the service is actually a Test that will be performed on-site

When:  Immediately provided upon arrival at the pop-up site now with results quickly following

Why:  The consumer is seeking a test most likely to move forward and go on with life activities such as upcoming travel or participating in an event, attending school or joining a gathering.

The logo and graphic approach we developed illustrates moving forward from Point A to Point B, from uncertainty to certainty, from this point in your life journey to the next, enabled by the green check mark denoting “appointment confirmed” and “test completed” through “go on your way” to your next destination (evidenced by the well-recognized map pin).

Problem Solved

The service name that The Moving Company conceived – Test Now and Go, available online at TestNowAndGo.com  – proved to be the winning brand around which all other communications assets were created. Not only does it clearly convey what the service is and does, it has resulted in achieving the characteristics of  friendliness, helpfulness, comfortability, relatability, and approachability, the client sought.

Interesting to note that in the horizontal version of the logo, in particular a somewhat subliminal “smile” is evident, the reaction that emanates from receiving a rapid test result – whether positive or negative – since clarity is achieved.

Bottom line:  website launched on schedule and the first testing site was up and running, as planned in March 2021!